
The Four Ds

The Four Ds

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The Four DsThe main reasons homeowners sell their houses come down to the Four Ds. Death in a family and an inherited house, Debt leading to possible foreclosure, Divorce, and Down-sizing.

The Four Ds

Death in the Family is the first of the Four Ds

The first question when inheriting real estate is what is probate? Nolo Law for All says “Probate is a legal process that takes place after someone dies. It includes:

  • proving in court that a deceased person’s will is valid (usually a routine matter)
  • identifying and inventorying the deceased person’s property
  • having the property appraised paying debts and taxes, and
  • distributing the remaining property as the will (or state law, if there’s no will) directs.

During probate or when a property has cleared probate, the heirs may want to quickly dispose of the property. That’s where we provide help. The heirs may not want to bring the house up to today’s standards. There may be no money for renovation. There may not be an inclination to spend time renting, or staging and showing the house. Harmony Property Solutions, LLC is a cash buyer solution. We buy the property as-is, and we pay cash. Closing takes place in less than 30 days, and there are no closing costs or inspections for the seller.

Divorce is the second of the Four Ds

Of the four Ds, divorce is the most stressful. Many people, when confronted with the prospect of divorce, want to know how assets will be divided, how they will maintain their standard of living, who gets the house, how to sell the house fast? Divorce Lawyers in Cedar Rapids should be an early call.

Two types of Divorce
Divorces can be Amicable. The parties get together a list all the assets, decide how to split everything evenly. The house could go to one of the parties if the other side is equally compensated, or the two could decide the best thing to do is sell the house quickly and split the proceeds.

Or divorces are less than amicable. There are High-Asset Divorce movies made about this type of divorce involving private detectives and war. There is a serious concern by both parties that they will not be able to enjoy their same lifestyle after the divorce. These issues make divorce a stressful time, even more so if there is child custody involved.

Downsizing is the third of the Four Ds

We hadn’t thought too much about downsizing until a friend’s mother decided to sell the big house after her husband died. People accumulate “stuff” over 30 to 40 years. When the house just becomes too big, or maintenance overwhelms, a smaller place is logical.

It’s not just the elderly, but 80 million boomers will retire over the next eight and a half years. Many will want to move to warmer weather and smaller quarters. It can be painful to worry about all the collectibles, the furniture, and clothes in the smaller space. Call us, and we will have you on your way right shortly after New Year’s Eve.

Debt is the fourth of the Four Ds

Foreclosure doesn’t just suddenly appear like a baby on your doorstep.  Like blizzards, there are signs of approaching trouble, including:

  • having difficulty paying the mortgage payment on time
  • having very little savings for emergencies
  • using credit cards to get to the next pay day
  • paying the minimum on your credit cards
  • neglecting doctor and dental visits
  • shrinking from the ring of the phone
  • change in employment or change in debt to income ratio

If you see your family in that list, you may be facing possible foreclosure. One option is to sell your home fast to get out of the problem and to save your credit rating.

Harmony Property Solutions, LLC is here to help homeowners out of any distressed situation.  

As investors, we are in business to make a modest profit on any deal. However, we can help homeowners out of just about any situation, no matter what!  There are no fees, upfront costs, commissions, or anything else. Just the simple, truth about your home and how we pay cash for houses Cedar Rapids.

Harmony Property Solutions, LLC is part of a nationwide group of thousands of investors who are helping tens of thousands of homeowners every year.  We may not be the “traditional” route, but we CAN help, and we can do it quickly!

Give us a call today at 319-343-6773 to let us know how we can help YOU.

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